Whatever chips and processors came standard with my brain, they sometimes become completely overwhelmed. Occasionally, the equivalent of the blue screen of death appears inside my head and I need to reboot.
Here’s an example. As the sun streams in through the window, I watch dust motes flying randomly about; my own private mini-universe contained in this single room, situated in just one neighborhood, within this particular town, located in Colorado, somehow clinging to this massive spinning globe which, if I could step back far enough, would appear as indistinguishable in the universe as those flying motes in my bedroom universe.
It boggles the mind. What infinite detail God created! And just as we cannot fully explore the outer reaches of all the aggregate universes out there, no microscope exists to fully explore the composition of those motes that flee before me as I sweep my hand through the sunbeam.
By now you may be tempted to reboot.
But wait.
King David’s microprocessors dealt with the same astounding data: “Why, God, do you give a hoot about me … about any of us down here?” (That’s the gist of Psalm 8). The wonder of it, for David, is that in the midst of this infinite complexity, we are not forgotten in some distant archive “in the cloud.” Rather it’s as if, front and center on God’s personal desktop, I am the focal point of his attention and love.
This is where you and I must derive our meaning and significance. Incredible as it may seem, you are not some insignificant piece of lint to be brushed off God’s cosmic monitor. You are an integral part of God’s plan for this world. Never forget that. Seek his best in everything you do and even a speck of dust in a sunbeam will lead you to say, “LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
Psalm 8.
David G. Goodman
President, Entrust
From David's President's Perspective on the Entrust web page. To read more of David's President's Perspectives, go to www.entrust4.org/PP